

Write on the DOT Kickoff Reading, Oct 2 @ 7pm

Join us for a toast and live reading to kickoff our TENTH season. Click here to watch live on YouTube.

Incoming MFA student coordinator (and professional bartender) Matt Shiels opens with instructions to make a Hemingway Daiquiri (to mix along at home, you’ll need white rum, grapefruit juice, lime juice, and maraschino liqueur).

Write on the DOT co-founder Aaron Devine will lead a toast and invitation to write together through this extraordinary year–and toward the publication of our 6th book of local writing next spring.

Then these stellar local authors will read from their work:

Candelaria Silva-Collins is an arts consultant, writer and facilitator who lives in
Dorchester. She coordinates the Community Membership Initiative of the Huntington Theatre Company; is Program Manager for the Fellowes Athenaeum Trust Fund of the Boston Public Library; and is coordinator for the Creative Entrepreneur Fellowship of the Arts & Business Council of Greater Boston. Candelaria’s children’s stories, fiction, essays and reviews have been published in local and national publications and she is an active blogger. Her first published children’s book, Stacey Became a Frog One Day, will be published in October 2020. She is Chair, Designators of the George B. Henderson Foundation and an Advisory Board member of Write on the Dot. Websites:
http://candelariasilva.com (Consulting and blog)
http://candelarianormasilva.com (Children’s books)

Sam Cha was born in Korea. He earned an MFA in poetry from UMass Boston. He was the recipient of a 2017 St. Botolph’s Club Emerging Artist Award. He is the author of the chapbook, American Carnage (Portable Press @ Yo-Yo-Yo Labs: 2018), and of The Yellow Book (forthcoming in late November from [PANK] Books). He writes, lives, and works in Cambridge, MA. Twitter: @antikythera. Website: www.samcha.info

Ava Fields is an award-winning poet, writer and essayist who was born and raised in Dorchester– where she still resides with family. Her work is fueled by a personal focus on Justice, Equity, Pop-Culture, and Self-Preservation. Also a lover of film– she possesses an encyclopedic knowledge of the horror genre. In the last three years she has been published in two editions of Write on the Dot, read at several events, and self-published her first multi-genre collection at the end of 2019. Her forthcoming poetry collection  “Repeat After Me” will be released this December.

Lillian-Yvonne Bertram is the author of Travesty Generator (Noemi Press), a book of computational poetry that received the Poetry Society of America’s 2020 Anna Rabinowitz prize for interdisciplinary work and was just longlisted for the 2020 National Book Award in poetry. Their other poetry books include How Narrow My Escapes (DIAGRAM/New Michigan), Personal Science (Tupelo), a slice from the cake made of air (Red Hen Press), and But a Storm is Blowing From Paradise (Red Hen Press). They are the current director the MFA program at UMass Boston. Website: https://www.lillianyvonnebertram.com

Lillian-Yvonne Bertram